Un progetto di
400km per i terremotati
Tra agosto ed ottobre 2016, l’Italia centrale è stata duramente colpita da una serie di terremoti nei quali hanno perso la vita centinaia di persone e in migliaia hanno lasciato le loro case perché in macerie. Le conseguenze in termini di costi umani ma anche le ripercussioni sulle economie locali si protrarranno per i prossimi anni. Da qui l’idea di Peter Lerner, insegnante e giornalista inglese; intraprendere una marcia di beneficenza di 400 chilometri che avrà inizio il 21 ottobre 2017 da Ostia, attraverserà l’Italia centrale, passando per i paesi colpiti dai terremoti. I proventi della marcia andranno a progetti sostenuti da Onlus che operano nei territori interessati dai sismi. Il viaggio sarà interamente documentato attraverso i social networks.
In August and October 2016 parts of central Italy were struck by a series of earthquakes. Several hundred people lost their lives and thousands more were injured or displaced, losing their homes and possessions in the process. In addition to the stark human cost, entire villages and towns have been devastated – some, like Pescara del Tronto, completely laid to waste; others, such as Castelluccio di Norcia, suffering such structural damage that they have become cordoned-off no-go areas. Livelihoods were lost overnight and local economies have been almost completely shut down for the foreseeable future. The consequences will be felt for many years long after the final aftershocks.
On 21st October 2017 Peter Lerner will start a 400km coast-to-coast walk across Italy to raise money for some of the people worst affected by the earthquakes. The walk will start in Ostia on the Tyrrhenian coast and finish in Roseto degli Abruzzi on the Adriatic. The route, passing through some of the towns hit by the earthquakes and including climbs of some of the highest mountains in the Apennines, will be completed in one attempt, entirely on foot, and each night Peter will sleep outdoors. He will document his journey through social media/blog posts and photos, and along the way he will interview people whose lives have been affected.
Money raised will go to directly to the areas hit hardest. Funds will be divided between three causes, each one managed by its respective charity: children who have lost one or both parents during the earthquakes (Omnibus Omnes); a summer camp for children from the areas that were hit during the earthquakes (Sport Senza Frontiere); and the construction of a community centre in the devastated village of Castelluccio di Norcia (Per La Vita Di Castelluccio).